What is a backbone network?
“Backbone network” is the term used to describe a special part of the computer network. Backbone networks have a high capacity, that can handle large amounts of data communications without negatively impacting latency.
The network consists of several complex elements. This can for example be a particular software or hardware like cables or routers. Special fibre optic cables play a central role in connecting multiple subnetworks. This allows your company to achieve high-performing data communication, unhindered by limitations to geographical distance.

What is a backbone network?
How does the backbone network work?
The idea of the backbone is to simulate a highway, where the traffic flow is connected via multiple access ways. Instead of being created for cars, the highway is created for the flow of information. You can call it the Information Highway.
Just like a regular highway, high speed has to be maintained. A lot of traffic also flows through and the network should be able to handle it efficiently. It creates a path suited for the extensive transferring of information by connecting multiple subnetworks or Local Area Network (LAN) with a Wide Area Network (WAN).
● Serial backbone – The most basic type of a backbone network. The network consists of two or more units linked together in a series such as gateways or routers.
● Distributed backbone – Here the network is built up by a series of devices such as routers or switches. This connects further to other devices. Its advantage lies in the potential of scalability.
● Collapsed backbone – A powerful router acts as the central connection point, which makes management easier. It also allows the owner to use their own technology for powering the network.
● Parallel backbone – Devices have more than one connection between them. By duplicating connections, speed is increased while the risk of problems is reduced.

How does the backbone network work?
Why choose Ethernet over MPLS?
Ethernet and MPLS are two different types of WAN connectivity options, which play an interconnected part with the backbone network; many pros and cons of each connectivity option may seem to make many companies twist their heads during the decision-making process. The attractiveness of Ethernet is often based on the services being cheap, simple and fast, which is a great fit for many businesses. Do you want to know why?
We present you with some of the reasons why choosing Ethernet over MPLS might be right for your business:
● A much more cost-friendly option than MPLS
● Ideal for interconnecting data centres
● Ethernet allows you to maintain control over routing
● Low-latency global connectivity
● Simplifying network management
● More globally available connection options

Why choose Ethernet over MPLS?
We provide a global internet backbone
China Telecom (Europe) has many years of experience as being global service providers of highly-technological communications solutions for modern business across multiple industries. We serve any type of company – all from retail to software and government. Connect efficiently, safely and reliably with the rest of the world with our solutions for achieving global internet access in a gobal economy.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business by providing advanced backbone network solutions.

We provide a global internet backbone